Burrell Traction Engine, Horn Plates (Part 1) If you have read the blog thus far then thanks for putting up with my bad English. Even using Grammarly is not helping me however, I'm guessing if you are reading this its because you're interested in the build rather than an English essay. Horn Plates Hornplates I did try to go down the route of getting these Lazer cut professionally however the work required to produce the drawings proved too much, and so a set of 1/8" blanks were purchased from Bridport foundry. The disappointment came when I found they supply metric 3mm for the blanks, as I guess 1/8" is difficult to obtain. Maybe they could have increased the size to 4mm which would have been a better solution to prevent flexing by the pump under load. In fact, my 1" Minnie has 2mm horn plates at (1inch: foot) and just the axle and crank was made wider to accommodate the thicker plates. Well, I started marking out some holes to pin the two plates together. It...
Burrell Traction Engine - Blog regards the construction of this engine from the start, progress is obviously slow, as each and every part is made from scratch or castings so it is not just a self-assembly project. Hopefully, this will inspire others to make a start on this popular engine.