Burrell Traction Engine, LASER. Nearly Christmas almost got our 1 day off to Covid mix. Progress has been made however the old 2 steps forward and 1 back also applies, I was fortunate to have a good friend who can laser bits out. So I was able to obtain the spokes for the rear wheels cut nicely. However the old saying measure once and cut many times applies, it remains to see if I have goofed up as I forgot the 2 bends and measured it flat off the drawing. Following on from this success, I decided to get the strakes also cut but this time being 5mm thick I had to go with a local engineering firm to cut them. I was lucky enough to get a .dxf file sent to me on Facebook. I sent this off, and as work must have been quiet they completed all 64 the same afternoon. Disaster number 2, the holes were 1/8" but I wanted them cut 3mm as I was going to ream them out for the rivets to be a good fit. The laser company did say they could not cut a 3mm hole in a 5mm plate, so fa...
Burrell Traction Engine - Blog regards the construction of this engine from the start, progress is obviously slow, as each and every part is made from scratch or castings so it is not just a self-assembly project. Hopefully, this will inspire others to make a start on this popular engine.