Burrell Traction Engine, 2021- Year 2 of the build Well, here we are again, pandemics are still a thing. Just a quick update on the Burrell build. The objective for this year, fingers crossed, is to complete the following items. Remake the front axel due to the mistake found on the drawing. Complete the riveting of the chimney that I had rolled before Christmas, and turn the top cap. Shorten the shaft tubes and complete the bearings, now I have the rear axle on order. Finish the rear hubs and install the Oilite bearings that have come in the post. Make a start on the front wheels to complete all the front end parts. Complete the horn plates all dunny rivets and bearings. Finish riveting all the laser cut strakes on the rear wheels. The intention is by the end of 2021 to end up with a back and front section and to make a wooden former to replicate the boiler so that it can be assembled in order to give an idea of the size and scale of the engine. Another bui...
Burrell Traction Engine - Blog regards the construction of this engine from the start, progress is obviously slow, as each and every part is made from scratch or castings so it is not just a self-assembly project. Hopefully, this will inspire others to make a start on this popular engine.