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Showing posts from June, 2023

3" Burrell Chain Drum and steering Part 2 and spectacle plate.

  3" Burrell Chain Drum and steering Part 2 and spectacle plate. Following another holiday I'm back on the engine, incidentally we were on the Orient Express travelling to Venice so it was a train related break.  The spectacle plate is hopefully being welded today by my son at college, fingers crossed that goes well, as there's a ping golf club in it for him to help him concentrate on the task, and produce a neat weld. The lower bronze bearing is what I've been working on, drilling a hole hopefully in the middle as the casting is a touch oval so some hand finishing has been done and turning, by hand in the lathe to shape some of the metal off to produce a better finish shape.   I am though trying to keep the castings still looking like castings, and not fully machining every part  so it look authentic in appearance. The alignment of the steering shaft has almost been resolved and whilst the brackets are only clamped on at this stage the steering is working and r...