3" Burrell motion work (Year 6)! Happy New Year !! - Well its been a while since my last post and with the festivities over attention can be turned to the progress since last time. To say that a break was taken from machining is not strictly correct, as often a small amount is squeezed in to keep it ticking over. This casting, the Way-shaft bracket was actually received just before Christmas, but is intended for my birthday in February, also its currently December, as I'm writing this, ready for next year therefore ignoring the opening statement. Confused yet? well here we are still building the Burrell and we are into year 6 ! Finally I made a decision with the lifting links they were basically too short, another builder pointed out on the Burrell builder site on Facebook. That he had the same trouble 20 years ago, I stupidly though as my drawings were the latest version from Bridport foundry that known mistakes from 20 years ago would have been correcte...
Burrell Traction Engine - Blog regards the construction of this engine from the start, progress is obviously slow, as each and every part is made from scratch or castings so it is not just a self-assembly project. Hopefully, this will inspire others to make a start on this popular engine.