Latest progress following a holiday.
Not a traction engine but a Tool and cutter grinder by Alexander, this was lurking in a cupboard and with a 3 phase motor and awkward motor mounting, my father never managed to get this unit up and running.
With my background in electronics I have managed to convert the motor to a Delta connection and, it now run's from a 0.25KW Omron Inverter. The plan is to convert the intended drive from underneath to rear mounted, with a newly acquired belt I ordered from fle-bay. More to follow on its, its progress and use.
Maybe even neaten the paint up where it has had a few bashes.
The 2nd shaft gear is almost finally complete, the results so far are very pleasing, the dividing all worked out perfect and the fear of the last tooth falling off did not happen.
In other news I invested in a 25kg bag of the best smoky house coal, from a local supplier. They are not meant to be selling smoky house coal by the bag, and certainly by end October it will also cease like the welsh steam coal has. This is an attempt to future proof the running of my other engine for the time being.
I will have to see how it goes, but it smashes up nicely, so I| can grade it down to bean size pieces of coal for the Minnie Traction engine.
The next few week will be re visiting the horn plates and now the matching gears are complete, I can make a start on the shaft centres, bearings and bolting the bearing housings down.
Also in other news, I acquired a MIG welder and hope to get it up and running with appropriate gas, regulator and welding wire. This is planned for the many jobs in the forming of the tender in the future, and a certain amount of practising is required. However my son is a TIG welder, so I have an expert in the wing.
Latest bargain, skip welder!
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