Happy 50th to Me February 2nd !
So far like other years of this Burrell build, I ask myself will this ever get finished! then I have to remind myself, the enjoyment is in making the parts. If I wanted a finished engine, I'd simply just have to look on Station Road or some other online steam reseller and Bobs your uncle.
To date then, a number of smaller jobs have been completed as expected after the Christmas break, it takes a few weeks to get back into the flow, and the steering wheel and shaft provides a suitable part to get back into the swing of things in the workshop.

Avoiding the title of this post so far, we address the elephant in the blog. 2nd Feb I'm 43 again (+ 7) ! and this build is estimated to take approximately another 12 years, next stop happy retirement at 62, with a finished engine ready to rally.
2 Final views of the finished steering wheel, if which I'm very proud of how this has turned out. And as I have a show invite to display the engine's progress, so this was an attempt at finishing off a vital bit to be displayed, along with the horn plates and gears to give an idea of what it is I'm making.
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