3" Burrell Steering Part 3 and spectacle plate.
If you have been following so far we still have the hot weather with us, making it difficult to focus in the workshop. However on a steam related note it was the usual Kinver Model engineering open day on fathers day, so as a tradition we normally go along and support.
Kinver Model Engineers open day 18/6/23
The last few week have been studying others peoples photo's and trying to work out how best to modify the bracket with as little deviation from the original design or trying to resemble something close to the real thing. (Bottom left).
Also thanks to Traction Talk another builder reached out to me and sent us a photo of his modification to sort his. (Thanks Del).
The lower bracket plugged and silver soldered for a 2nd attempt at the mounting hole which was found to be incorrect on the drawing

With the above work continuing, I also found time to run my other engine for fun, 1" Minnie.
>60 PSI on the clock when I added some Welsh steam coal.
Until next month stay safe; make swarf; have fun!
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