Day 9 of lock-down - situation getting desperate now The Virus is killing me, as there is no excuse from saying in the past that little job I'll do when I have time. So all fence panels painted, someone else's dog walked, now time for the workshop. I've been busily making the chimney base ring, this is meant to be an aluminum casting but as I ordered the wrong part number I ended up with 2 chimney saddle castings. I was not enthused that it would have been aluminum anyway, and since we went on lockdown I decided to make it from mild steel, using a bit I found in the workshop. The photo on the left is me smoking the ring down to size quickly 2mm deep cuts at a time. The 2nd operation was to divide the 4 mounting holes on the outside for 4mm bolts. Finished chimney base ring in mild steel! Feel better riveting this to the chimney rather than an aluminum casting and saved £13 + vat on a casting that I perhaps would not be able to get in t...
Burrell Traction Engine - Blog regards the construction of this engine from the start, progress is obviously slow, as each and every part is made from scratch or castings so it is not just a self-assembly project. Hopefully, this will inspire others to make a start on this popular engine.